Code Studio is creating a new Development Code and Transportation Plan for the City of Piqua, Ohio. The project is called CodePIQUA.
CodePIQUA grew out of the Plan It Piqua Comprehensive Plan recommendation to update the current zoning and subdivision regulations. The intent is to put into place development standards that promote neighborhood qualities that enhance existing development and create a sense of a place. The project also includes the creation of a new Transportation Plan with context-sensitive standards for public right-of-way use and improvements.
Code Studio held a multiple day collaborative planning and design workshop. Below are potential concepts prepared during the charrette for key locations in the City.

Main St & Wood St. New mixed use building anchors the corner at a key gateway into Downtown.

Water St & Spring St. Activating Lock Nine Park, reinforcing walkability with new infill that captures views to the river.

Favorite Hill. Neighborhood sensitive housing options targeting seniors and young families.
The Bike Connections and Truck Route Maps were initially developed during the charrette. They have recently be refined.
To follow the project, visit the CodePIQUA website.